How To Create Sacred Space In Your Home

It’s finally springtime! New energy is all around us, which means that it’s the perfect time to refresh the space around you. 

My husband and I just moved into a new home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and it's been wonderful creating a space that feels like home. For me, my home is all sacred space, filled with art and objects I love. However, there is one corner that I always set aside that’s my mediation and spiritual growth zone. I even make a corner for it when we travel!

Come join me and Kat from the Simplified Life as we talk all about creating a space and life you love!

Creating a sacred space in your home is like carving out a little sanctuary where you can retreat, recharge, and reconnect with your inner self. It’s a special nook that holds your intentions, dreams, and spiritual practice. Whether you're just starting on your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, having a dedicated space can significantly enhance your experience. So, if you’re new to having a sacred space in your home, here are some tips for how to set one up!

The Significance of Sacred Space

A sacred space is more than just a physical spot. It's a realm where the mundane meets the divine, a place where you can shed your worldly roles and just be. It serves as a constant reminder of your spiritual journey, offering a private venue for meditation, prayer, or simply stillness. The beauty of a sacred space is its ability to help center your mind, allowing for deeper meditation and a stronger connection with your higher self.

Identifying the Ideal Location

Finding the right spot for your sacred space is a deeply personal decision. It could be a quiet corner of your bedroom, a dedicated room if you have the space, or even a nook in your living area. The key is privacy and minimal distractions. My sacred space is in the corner of our bedroom where the morning light and rainbows can pour in. And it’s out of our main hangout space, so I know I can always go there when I need a quiet moment.

For those with limited space, remember, it's not about the size but the intention behind it. A small shelf or a portion of your desk can serve as your sacred spot, as long as it's dedicated solely to your spiritual practice.

Designing Your Sacred Space

Elements of a Sacred Space

At the heart of your sacred space should be comfort and personal significance. Start with a comfortable place to sit – a cushion, a chair, or a soft rug. Then, add a small table or shelf for items that inspire you – maybe spiritual texts, a statue, or symbols that resonate with your beliefs. 

Incorporating Nature

Bringing elements of nature into your space adds life and a grounding energy. A plant, a bowl of water, or a few stones can link your practice to the earth and its cycles. I have a small succulent and a few crystals in my space, and they bring a sense of calm and connectedness to the natural world.

Personalizing Your Space

This is where you can really make the space your own. Decorate with items that uplift you spiritually – photos, artworks, or souvenirs from times that remind you of your spiritual goals. Each item should add to the feeling of sanctuary and peace. I love to fill my corner with art that reminds me of my highest self, books that have practices I want to follow, oracle decks, and crystals that have high-vibe energy. 

Creating an Atmosphere

The ambiance of your sacred space plays a huge role in its effectiveness. Soft lighting can be achieved with candles or fairy lights, creating a serene and inviting glow. I personally have a color-changing pan light and candles on mine.

Aromas from incense sticks or essential oil diffusers can purify the space and set the mood for meditation. And when it comes to sound, whether it's calming music, nature sounds, or the silence itself, make sure it helps you deepen your practice. 

Maintaining Your Sacred Space

Keeping your sacred space clean and clutter-free is crucial. A tidy space reflects a clear mind. Make it a ritual to clean this area regularly, (if I see dust, it’s past time to give it some love!) treating it with the same reverence as your practice. As your journey evolves, so too might your space. Don’t hesitate to remove or add items; I change mine whenever it feels right. Let it be a reflection of your current spiritual path.

Engaging with Your Sacred Space

Make it a habit to spend time in your sacred space daily. It doesn’t always have to be for meditation or prayer; just sitting quietly and breathing deeply can be incredibly restorative. You can also use this space for journaling or for performing small rituals that mark milestones in your spiritual journey. 

Do What Feels Right for You!

Creating a sacred space in your home is a beautiful way to honor your spiritual journey and nurture your inner self. It’s a physical manifestation of your commitment to growth, peace, and self-discovery. Remember, the most important aspect of your sacred space is the intention behind it. With time, you’ll find that this special spot becomes a source of comfort, inspiration, and true happiness.

As you embark on this creative and spiritual endeavor, let your intuition guide you. There are no hard and fast rules, only what brings you closer to your authentic self. May your sacred space be a beacon of light on your spiritual path, illuminating the way to deeper understanding and inner peace.

  • A “Power of Attraction,” Mediation Feather, to draw in all that good energy!

  • "Divination," altar cloth

  • An Apache Tear that my husband gave me at our wedding.

  • Stone statues of Kuan Yin and Ganesha, both who have been huge spiritual supports through the years. 

  • A Huichol panther head- panther is one of my spirit animals

  • Many of my scared glass necklaces like "Feather family," and "Balsamic Moon."

  • The Kim Krans tarot deck. The only tarot deck I've used for the past 5 years.

  • The Kuan Yin Oracle deck from Alana Fairchild. The first oracle deck I ever bought that I still use to this day. 

  • Spiritual books that I rotate. Currently Lunar Wisdom by 13 women curated by Tracey Brown, and Witch Crafting by Phyllis Curott

  • An abalone shell given to me by one of my best friends.

  • Shungite, tourmaline, smoky quartz and obsidian spheres given to me by friends throughout the years. 

  • Owl smudging feather wand, made for me by a friend.

  • My in-process art piece of “The Lovers.” I often put unfinished art on my altar when I need divine inspiration on how to finish it!

For more spiritual art ideas, see here! For mediation clothing, see here!

Need more tips on spiritual spring cleaning, check out The Simplified Life!

Jodi Sharp