Vacation Spaces

So currently I'm on a cruise ship for a family thing. Although it's amazing to be blessed enough to be of the income bracket that can afford a space like this, as an environmentalist I am having a hard time dealing with the urbanization of nature and the rampant consumerism that exists in this space. It is hard not to be shocked by the waste, the separation of humans from the honest natural space, and the lack of community relations that exist on board this giant ship. 

Although I'm sure many of the people here are very well intentioned, and not at all bad people, I can't help but feel that the glorification of these spaces is exactly what perpetuates the environmental issues that are occurring today. 

I am in the liminal space between trying to enjoy myself because I am so very very blessed to be here, in a societal space where I am comparatively so lucky, and the backlash I feel against the perpetuation of these spaces. These photographs definitely deal with my feelings of that backlash. In them I am using the cruise line's logo "It's the reason you're here", which is written on propaganda posters all over the boat,  against some of the images that I'm having a hard time with.

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