We Are All Stardust Art Dome

We Are All Stardust Art Dome
“We Are All Stardust,” seeks to recreate that sense of childlike wonder and world building. Participants are asked to enter the dome and pick a star that speaks to them. They label it and pin it somewhere in the dome. In the dome are notebooks with a form to fill out where they can make up information about the star that they have labeled.
They will be asked to name a planet in their newly identified solar system, identify the type of lifeforms, languages, rituals, etc. There will be space in the notebooks to draw and dream. Each new participant will not only be able to name and create their own idea of a solar system but will be able to find the stars and read about the planets and worlds that other participants have already created.
The intent of this project is to get people to think about the universe outside of our individual worlds. Instead of a project being introspective and self-focused, it is getting people out of the “reality” of their lives to dream that anything is possible.
The price point is the base booking cost per day. Depending on the location, travel costs, installation fees or extra per-diems may be added. Please email me to begin that discussion.