“The Phase You're In Is Perfect,” Stained Glass Lotus Luna Moth Talisman with Agate

“The Phase You're In Is Perfect,” Stained Glass Lotus Luna Moth Talisman with Agate
Our energy naturally goes up and down, cycling through vitality and rest. It is the way of nature. Not everything can always be active. However, our current society often places more value on productivity then self-care, causing us to feel guilty when we need to take down time.
The symbols of this stained glass piece are the luna moth, the lotus, and the moon, all teachers of the earth’s natural cycles. The luna moth spends around eleven weeks of its life evolving towards its final form and then only one week with its wings. The lotus opens and closes depending on its environment, only being in full blossom if the surrounding are kind. And the moon goes in and out of its fullness as its pulled by the tides.
When we look at all of these things, we notice that the the time it spends in it’s fullest form is the shortest period of time, and is often dependant on the environment around it. The lesson is; if you do not have the energy to show up as your fullest or be your most productive, it’s okay. In fact, it’s natural! Rest and gentling your surroundings will help you gain the energy you need to shine bright once again.
This glass Luna Moth and Lotus can hang anywhere in your home to help you remember to appreciate yourself and your energy no matter where you’re at. It is 11x11 inches, with an inset orange agate in the centre and an attached chain to hang from anywhere in your home.